Solar Punk Console
The Solar Punk Console is a synthesizer that translates solar energy into sound using the human body as a conduit. Inspired by the solarpunk ethos, which envisions a sustainable future interconnected with nature and community, this synthesizer can operate off the grid. Performers are encouraged to touch the tactile capacitive icons and explore the wide variety of sounds that can be discovered. This synthesizer is best played while cooperating with others, holding hands to form complex circuits. At the heart of the SolarPunkConsole are photovoltaic cells that capture sunlight and transform it into electrical energy. Solar energy is then channeled through a series of bio-sensitive circuits that respond to the conductivity of the human skin. By making contact with the instrument's sensitive nodes, the players become part of the circuit, allowing the electrical signals to flow through them, modulating and manipulating the synthesizer's chaotic tones and fierce textures. The SolarPunkConsole is a beacon of possibility for a future of sustainable electronic instruments untethered to the constraints of traditional energy sources.
This synth was heavily inspired by the work of some of my DIY electronics heroes, projects such as Forrest Mims’ Stepped Tone Generator aka the OG Atari Punk Console, Peter Blasser’s Tocante, Casper Electronics’ Drone Labs, and Nicholas Collins absolutely invaluable text, Handmade Electronic Music.
For this project I took a deep dive into Fritzing and made some quick turnaround orders from JLCPCB. This project went from breadboard to protoboard to prototype PCB to finalized PCB in about 6 weeks. I’m planning to fully open source this project and document the circuit, and a bit of the production process soon - watch this space.
Year Produced: 2024
Dimensions: 200m x 200m
Materials: Printed circuit board, electronics, photovoltaic solar panel(s)
Technique: Sonification, feedback, capacitive touchpads, solar
Credits: Curation & support - Contemporary Musiking Hong Kong, Push the Envelope Sound Art Initiative
Keywords: Solarpunk, DIY Synthesizer, PCB, Noise,